Wedding Blogs
Fit Like! A warm welcome to my Aberdeen Wedding Blog. Not only intended to fill you with lots of great advice from all my brilliant couples who've done it before you. Also to hopefully help find you some inspiration to help better plan your amazing wedding day, and maybe avoid some of the pitfalls they've made too. You'll find for example things Like Pre wedding tips, great venues, lots of great links. Some of the best suppliers around Scotland and of course superb weddings with funny stories. Delve in and see what you can take from it. Feel free to get in touch and ask me anything, there's no such thing a stupid question remember!
My skills are definitely better suited to behind the camera. But I hope you enjoy and most importantly as a result can take something away from these Aberdeen wedding blogs. It's been a lot of fun making them and staying in touch with my amazing couples to get the stories I wouldn't have otherwise known. Be sure to keep coming back as I plan to update this page regularly. There will be plenty more tips and tricks in addition to great venues as well as amazing weddings. Thanks so much for reading and hope to see you back soon. Maybe even have you featured one day, which would be amazing!